Based on the foundation of the JFC JTree/JSplitter/JTable, this power packed component delivers a single easy-to-program UI perfect for organizing and streamlining application data.
Java Developer's Journal Editor's Choice Award

The JFCDataExplorer creates a treeview that allows users to drill-down on data structures and display corresponding tables in the right-hand pane. In addition to a grid, this flexible component "opens" the right-hand pane to allow placement for any Java Panel or Component making it the perfect UI for organizing and streamlining application data. With limited screen real estate, developers can create data hierarchies with corresponding grids, charts, calendars and panels on a node-by-node basis.

The JFCDataExplorer adheres to the Java Object & Component Model making it a natural extension of JFC. In addition to supporting the JTable Data Model, JFCDataExplorer can also use a custom Data Model that was created specifically for this component and incorporates a treeview into its structure.

Like all ProtoView JFC products, the JFCDataExplorer takes advantage of the "Pluggable Look & Feel Architecture" of JFC, which allows it to easily switch from Motif, Java or Windows displays on the fly.

JFCDataExplorer Supports The Pluggable & Feel Of JFC
JFCDataExplorer Supports The Pluggable & Feel Of JFC

Extended Feature List

  • Enhanced Data Model.
    Flexible design allows for the use of the default JTable Data Model, the ProtoView Data Model (which has been optimized to incorporate a treeview into its design and automates the data process) or plug in your own Data Model.
  • Sort grid data by columns.
  • Easily program the grid to add/get columns and rows of data.
  • Create an image column as the first column of any grid.
    Using any grid of data, developers can specify images of their choice to populate the first column of data. This column is bound and linked to its corresponding row data (it will stay with it when the grid is sorted) and can be set "on the fly."
  • Child data of the parent node can be shown in the right-hand pane along with grid data.
    Since the JFCDataExplorer is synchronized, developers can easily display sub-folders in the right-hand pane above grid data.
  • Sorting of the children of the treeview nodes by name.
  • Persistent sorting of treeview data even when new nodes are added.
  • Use any image for treeview nodes.
  • In addition to the standard node images for JTree, ProtoView provides an expanded selection of custom images or insert your own image list.
  • Enhanced Node Object.
    In addition to the JTable, each node of the JFCDataExplorer can contain its own object for the right-hand pane:
    • Java Panels.
    • Java components.
  • Colors of nodes can be changed.
  • Change the size of ProtoView node images.
  • Highlight text, selection, background and focus color selection.
  • Background and border width.


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User Stories & Reviews

JFCSuite, Winner of the 1999 Java Developer's Journal
Editor's Choice Award, "Best Bean."
- Java Developer's Journal, Award

JFCDataExplorer, Winner of the 1998 Java Developer's Journal
Editor's Choice Award, "Best Bean."
- Java Developer's Journal, Award

JFCDataExplorer, Winner of the 1999 Java Pro
Reader's Choice Award, "Best Visualization Tool"
-Java Pro, Award

"...a component library custom-designed for programmers 
who want to add a touch of professionalism and a lot of 
user-friendliness to their programs.
-Java Pro, Review

"...[JFCDataExplorer] is one of those rare components that is
attractive from a user interface and a component
model/language point of view. If you want a
practical example of the power of JFC, download a
fully functional evaluation copy from the
ProtoView Web Site (http://www.protoview.com/demos)."

- Java Pro, Review

Download An Evaluation Version Of This Product Purchase This Product Direct From ProtoView

Copyright ⌐ 1999 ProtoView Development Corporation. All rights reserved.
This page was last updated Thursday, February 24, 2000.